
2011-12-14 [長年日記]

評価を自動で相対的にするTrue10ルール [etc]




Vineloop - YouTube

があるんだけど、面白いと思ったのは47秒付近からのTrue 10 Rating Systemのくだり。

ある商品に最高点10を付けているとする。次にまた別の商品を試したらもっとよかった! というとき、前の商品のレートをわざわざ下げる? しないよね? という問題に対する解。

その場合に本当に11というレートを付けるんじゃなくて、"最高"が10になるように調整するのが肝。それが True 10という名前の意味。


4. What is True 10 and how does it work?
Good question. True10 helps maintain relative ratings across the entire scale based on the highest rating (10/10.) First, the system establishes a leading benchmark in each category. So for example, if you gave "Rocky II" and "Rocky III" a 9/10 and then also gave "Rocky V" a 9/10, the system will show you that the newly rated item (Rocky V) is equal to the previously rated items (Rocky II and III.) If you decide that the movies are not equal, you can easily rate Rocky V above or below 9. Say 8.9 or 9.1. This way, the scale stays relevant based on new experiences. So what happens when you exceed the perfect 10? Glad you asked. When a new product is confirmed as greater than ten (10+), the system sets this new product as the new benchmark for 10, and all the other ratings below are readjusted proportionally based on the new scale. In other words, all other rating systems don't rate.


*1 ムービーでは10.9を設定したように見えるけど。